Friday, February 18, 2011

Overcoming S.T.R.E.S.S.

Subjective to Reactions of Events and Situations (S.T.R.E.S.S.) is part of the biological survival mechanisms we are born with. We are essentially hard-wired for stress. Sounds unbelievable, here’s the proof. Ever heard of fight or flight? Fight or flight is the biological analogy used to describe our biological indicator for experiencing stress. Fight or flight is normally referenced to the adrenaline or inclination we may feel when we were are in the mode of danger or uncertainty which prompts us to respond or react by fighting or fleeing. The adrenaline rush we experience, known as stress, releases hormones (cortisol, oxytocin, prolactin, & renin to name a few) throughout the body which send signals to our neuroendocrine system. Depending on our unique biological make-up, these chemical interactions can influence how our body and psyche will respond to stress. From a spiritual standpoint stress may be the spiritual turmoil we may go through to bring us closer to Allah (GOD) in order to fulfill our purpose in life. What we must realize about stress is that it is not designed to break us down, but to build us up to be stronger vessels! We have to remember that stress is subjective and largely based on our perception. No two people may experience the same stressors the same way. Ever notice how someone you may know is going through a situation and yet their reaction or approach to the event or situation is totally different than how you imagine you would react?

Learn more about stress by reading this article in its entirety from the latest issue of Virtue magazine by ordering your copy today @

Stay tuned for more articles related to mental wealth and wellness right here!

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