Thursday, December 15, 2011

Peace in the Middle East "Noble Peace Prize Trio"

This year's Noble Peace Prize Winners are extraordinary women from the East who are creating a healing in the atomosphere. Yemeni activist Tawakkul Karman, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee have garnered the world stage and the world's attention in their quest, struggle, and dedication to women's rights, democracy, and equality.

Tawakkul Karman is the first Arab woman and the youngest woman to be a recipient of the Noble Peace prize for her work as a journalist with the organization, Women Activists Worldwide. Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Liberian activist Leymah Gbowee have ignited change in their country to help women through civil unrest and in peace-building throughout their country. The common thread in these women is their conviction for peace and equality for women in the East and throughout the world.

Their courage and sacrifice are commendable considering the obstacles they fare in the countries they live in. Particularly the rise in civil unrest in middle eastern countries. "It is the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s hope that the prize to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman will help to bring an end to the suppression of women that still occurs in many countries and to realize the great potential for democracy and peace that women can represent (Democracy Now)."

Let us be inspired and activated to bring forth the goddess within to effect global change and healing.

Read more.......

Nobel Peace Prize Trio

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Inspiration from Bali

"If each woman is someone's daughter, sister, wife, or mother........... (watch clip below to hear more by Robin Lim)". How much change could we create? Such a profoud statement in the grand scheme of life as we know it, when describing how women must embrace each other to truly heal each other and the world. Women have always been the healing matriachs of society and the current world climate shows how far we have gotten away from this role. Perhaps if we become more inspired as we experience a certian healing in the atomoshpere and a global shift of change, healing and restoration be more victorious and triumphant amidst the turmoil and chaos.

Robin Lim, a renowned midwife, chose to take her life an destiny to Indonesia to effect magnificent change. In this part of the world, death rates for birthing mothers is high and Robyn decided to do something about it. Starting a clinic in Bali and later one in Banda Aceh where the 2004 Tsunami hit, serves 63,000 women each year to help prevent infant mortality and mother's death through birth. Robin is an excellent example of one who is healing through health care activism, healthcare access for women and children, all while creating global change and giving undeniable inspiration.

View the MSNBC clip of Robyn's clinic below:

Indonesian Inspiration

Robin recently one CNN's 2011 Hero of the year. Be inspired and learn more......

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friends in High Places!

Each and every day is an opportunity to get in tune with yourself and others. It is an opportunity to learn something new to liberate, elevate, and empower yourself or someone else. When we realize it is not about ourselves but about the impact, imprint, and influence we have that can positively effect someone else's life that really matters. Today someone made an imprint on me that was inspiring. I spoke to a co-worker who barely speaks english, who is from Equador, and who is always cheerful and pleasant. I always understand her because I try to listen to her. In talking to her I learned that she speaks Italian, French, and Spanish, and barely speaks English. We laughed because it is usually understood that if you can speak the other languages well, then English is an afterthought. Besides, the other languages sound so much better! She inspired me to hurry up and get my passport. Jockingly I told her if she took me around the world with her, I would teach her English. Jockingly she agreed to take me up on my offer. However the outcome, I learned more about a coworker in 15 minutes of conscious conversation that will impact me for quite a while. Even more inspiring she say's she travels to Italy, Paris, and Europe for FREE as her travel agent is a good friend of hers! WOW!!!!! Can we say friends in high places! To top it off, she has friends travel with her that pay only $400 to travel to the countries with her! Yes, I did ask If I could get the same deal and beamingly she said YES!!!!! It is always worth talking to someone, you never know what you may learn, gain, or give in return : ) I gained a new friend and possibly travel abroad!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Working while Mothering

The Aha moment finally happened (for about the 100th time) and revealed some much needed creative direction and focus In my quest at being the world's greatest working-mom (if there is such a thing). I desire to make the absolute most of it and balance the whole life-work-balance act! I am enlisting the help of all supermoms, acrobats, fortune 500 executive moms, mompreneurs, and the like to aide me in this great calling and mission. I will no longer feel guilty about leaving my children in the morning and returning late in the evening to sad faces or desperate pleas to "tuck me in", but I will now embrace my temporary position in life as a working mom and meet it with great vigor, enthusiasm, and a willingness to superceded this great challenge. When I say challenge, I must clarify, this is a labor of love as I dont take my family for granted. I am not alone in this journey. My wonderful better half is an entrepreneur with a flexible schedule which makes a perfect partenrship for raising a healthy, happy, and beautiful family!

Okay so what's the issue? My issue is that as a working mom of course you have to deal with leaving your children to the world of school and life while you work for someone else (doing the work of 2 or more people) at the expense of negating some household duties, preparing quality meals, homework instruction, quality time and parenting, and some wifey duties (I'm too tired). However, does all have to be sacrificed? No, not at all! With careful planning, intention, effort, with a strong willingness and desire to maintain quality, very little if anything has to be neglected. I have committed to uping the ainty on my motherly duties such to the point that I will become expert. Not expert by public validation, but by the validation (or lack thereof) by my own family.

So, I embark on this journey to chronicle my efforts at being the SUPER working-mom! I am a wonderful mom (if i do say so myself and so do my children). I intend to master this common phenomenon of working while mothering, managing awesome children, a husband, and a household. Wish me well, I 'll keep you posted : )

Yes I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Overcoming S.T.R.E.S.S.

Subjective to Reactions of Events and Situations (S.T.R.E.S.S.) is part of the biological survival mechanisms we are born with. We are essentially hard-wired for stress. Sounds unbelievable, here’s the proof. Ever heard of fight or flight? Fight or flight is the biological analogy used to describe our biological indicator for experiencing stress. Fight or flight is normally referenced to the adrenaline or inclination we may feel when we were are in the mode of danger or uncertainty which prompts us to respond or react by fighting or fleeing. The adrenaline rush we experience, known as stress, releases hormones (cortisol, oxytocin, prolactin, & renin to name a few) throughout the body which send signals to our neuroendocrine system. Depending on our unique biological make-up, these chemical interactions can influence how our body and psyche will respond to stress. From a spiritual standpoint stress may be the spiritual turmoil we may go through to bring us closer to Allah (GOD) in order to fulfill our purpose in life. What we must realize about stress is that it is not designed to break us down, but to build us up to be stronger vessels! We have to remember that stress is subjective and largely based on our perception. No two people may experience the same stressors the same way. Ever notice how someone you may know is going through a situation and yet their reaction or approach to the event or situation is totally different than how you imagine you would react?

Learn more about stress by reading this article in its entirety from the latest issue of Virtue magazine by ordering your copy today @

Stay tuned for more articles related to mental wealth and wellness right here!

"Enriching, empowering, educating, & enlightening women across the globe"